Pool House Manager Version 5 New Features


For information about upgrading to the latest version, please e-mail us at support@timemagic.com

This is a list of features added to  Pool House Manager (PHM) Version 5.  For features added to earlier or newer versions, please refer to the last few pages of the program manual.  The manual is available at the program's download site.

PHM 5.0 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.0.0: New options to display item code/name (instead of department/code) or just name in Register.  Press the Options button in Register to change display type.

2.        New in Version 5.0.0: If you have the optional TouchPad feature, in both category and item pages, you can customize the sizes and positions of buttons.  To do this, press the Options button and enable Edit Mode first.  Then press the “?” button for instructions.  Once in Edit Mode, you can resize any button or drag any button to a new position.  You can also make a button invisible (to disable selling that item without needing to delete its record).

3.        New in Version 5.0.0: If you have Network Edition with TouchPad, you can copy customized buttons (graphics, sizes and positions…) from Network Host to Network Terminal.  To do this, press the Options button and then press the “Copy button graphics, sizes and positions from Host computer” button.  This option is only available from a Network Terminal.

4.        New in Version 5.0.0: Network Edition now includes Automatic Fail-Safe Backup feature.  Once Automatic Fail-Safe Backup is enabled, critical files and logs can be maintained on two or more computers.  In the event that the Network Host fails, a Network Terminal can be re-configured to become the new Network Host in a few clicks.  All settings, open table/tab info and logs will be in place automatically and the business can continue without being interrupted.   To enable Automatic Fail-Safe Backup, select Setup from menu bar and then select Backup Setup.  This option is only available from a Network Terminal.

5.        New in Version 5.0.0: In previous versions of TouchPad, if the list on the right hand side already contains items, the next item sent to the list will be placed at the bottom of the list.  In this new version, you can insert items to any position on the list.  This way the add-on ingredients (such as onion, ketchup...) can be placed right below the main item (such as a burger).  If later this info is read by kitchen (via printout, SuperTab or SalesMonitor), it will be easier to tell what items the add-on ingredients are adding to.  To do this, select an item on the list, the next item added to the list will be put right below the selected item.  To make add-on ingredients even more readable, you can use names such as “--- Onion”.  The extra “---” can make such items distinguishable among main items on SuperTab or SalesMonitor window for the kitchen.

6.        New in Version 5.0.0: If you don’t want the add-on ingredients (such as onion, ketchup...) to appear on receipts, you can use M@ as the first two letters of the code (M@ plus anything).  Such items won't appear in Register or receipts, but will still show up in Table Timer, SuperTab and SalesMonitor.

7.        New in Version 5.0.0: A Copy Rates button is added to Advanced Rate Setup window.

8.        New in Version 5.0.0: When customers are sent to Register and a table becomes free, Waiting List will automatically come up.

9.        New in Version 5.0.0: In Table Timer, table icons with paused players are now shown in a different color.

10.     New in Version 5.0.0: The last column of Operator Password Setup has more selections.  You can now assign “Light Switch Only” operators who have the access to Light Switch but cannot access other features.  This is useful for persons in charge of cleaning tables.

11.     New in Version 5.0.0: New Operator Login Time Verification feature.  This feature can be used to restrict individual operator’s login to certain time frames.  To enable this feature, select Setup from menu bar and then select Advanced Security Setup.  Instruction is available in program.  If you have the Network Edition, different stations can have different settings.

12.     New in Version 5.0.0: New options to display an Operator Reminder when a pre-set maximum pool charge is reached.  Press the Remind button in Table Timer to do this.  You can also elect to have the program automatically “Pause All Players” of that table (and turn its lights off) when the pre-set pool charge or pre-set time is reached.

13.     New in Version 5.0.0: In Table Timer’s Reminder feature, a Register Message can be set up to remind the operator to return a player’s deposit or ID at checkout time.

14.     New in Version 5.0.0: New options to “Pause all player and turn off all table lights” at pre-set close time.  This can be useful if your local regulation doesn’t permit business to stay open after a certain hour.  This can be set up from Advanced Security Setup.  For example, if the time is set to 02:30, then at 2:30 AM, the program will pause all players from table 1 to the last table.  Lights will be turned off one by one as a result.  Program has to be running for this to work.  If program is not running, but is started within 10 minutes of the pre-set time (i.e., before 2:40 AM), it will still work.  After players are paused, you can still resume them and the program will not re-pause them (unless you quit and restart the program within 10 minutes of the pre-set time).

15.     New in Version 5.0.0: In Table Timer, you can change the action of the Pause button to “Always Pause the entire table”.  To enable this, use the Options button in Table Timer and then enable Always Pause the entire table.  Once this is enabled, pausing one player will cause all players at the same table to be paused and the table lights to be turned off.

16.     New in Version 5.0.0: Visual feedback of added items is displayed on the title bar of TouchPad.  This can be helpful for the operator to make sure the correct numbers of items are added to the list.

17.     New in Version 5.0.0: Any Deli and Shop Item in Table Timer or SuperTab now includes extra information such as time when item was added, tracking number, name of the operator who added the item and station (in Network Edition) that added the item.  To view this information in Table Timer, double-click on that item in Timer’s List.  To view it in SuperTab, hover the mouse pointer over that item (but don't click), wait about 5 seconds and the information will come up.  This information can be useful when you have to correct mistakes after discovering that wrong items have been sent to wrong table or tab.  After the items are paid for, same information will be recorded in Receipt Log.  If you have the optional SalesMonitor program, this information is also available in it.

18.     New in Version 5.0.0: A new option to disable multiple sub-registers.  To do this, press Register’s Options button.

19.     New in Version 5.0.0: If you have the Network Edition, all stations can share the same light controller attached to one of the stations.  This feature is useful if some stations at certain area of the building cannot provide clear and strong light control signals due to interference.  Use Light Control Setup to select this option.

20.     New in Version 5.0.0: Table Status window now shows the open-table pool charge for each table.  You can access Table Status window by pressing the little green icon on bottom status bar.

21.     New in Version 5.0.0: In SuperTab, you can bring items back from Register if those items are still in Register.  Select the Tab that the items were originally in, press the Special button and then press the Undo Sent button.

22.     New in Version 5.0.0: In SuperTab, you can select some or all items in a Tab and then transfer them to another Tab or send them to Register.  Press the Special button to access this feature.

23.     New in Version 5.0.0: In SuperTab, you can change name of a Tab.  Press the Special button to access this feature.

24.     New in Version 5.0.0: New Inventory Restocking features.  If you have regular incoming shipments, you can create a Batch Process to update stocks of multiple items in a few clicks.  To do this, select Extra from menu bar and then select Inventory Restocking.

25.     New in Version 5.0.0: In Table Timer's Detail Window, you can select some or all items for one customer and transfer them to another customer/table or send them to Register.  In Table Timer, press the Detail button and then use the Send Selected or Paid By button.

26.     Version 5.0.1 is a maintenance release.

27.     New in Version 5.0.2: A Touch-Screen Friendly option is added to the Register.  Various buttons in Register can have larger sizes.  To enable this, press the Options button in Register.

28.     New in Version 5.0.2: A Show Basket feature is added to the program Menu Bar (under Sale).

29.     New in Version 5.0.2: A Register Options feature is added to the program Menu Bar (under Setup).  You can access the same feature by pressing the Options button in Register.


PHM 5.1 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.1.0: The Find Customer feature now includes active tabs from SuperTab.  For each tab, both operator and customer names are listed.  To access the Find Customer feature from TouchPad or SuperTab, press the F11 key on the keyboard.

2.        New in Version 5.1.0: Items voided in the Register window no longer show up on printed receipts.  The records saved in Receipt Logs still keep the info of voided items, however.

3.        New in Version 5.1.0: Fonts in titles of tabs in SuperTab are made larger and easier to read.

4.        Version 5.1.1 is a maintenance release.

5.        New in Version 5.1.2: You can create a Register Message for all customers.  This message will be displayed every time one or more customers are sent to Register from Table Timer.  To create a message for one particular customer, use the Remind button in Table Timer instead.

6.        Version 5.1.3 is a maintenance release.

7.        New in Version 5.1.4: Debit card processing feature is improved.

8.        New in Version 5.1.4: Change amount has different color in Register window.

9.        New in Version 5.1.5: New option to open the drawer with or without password.  Use the F4 key under master login to configure this.

10.     New in Version 5.1.5: New option for voiding items with or without password in SuperTab.  Use the Options button in TouchPad to configure this.

11.     Version 5.1.6 is a maintenance release.

12.     Version 5.1.7 is a maintenance release.


PHM 5.2 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.2.0: Table Timer can now print a preview check/receipt of the current charges, including table fee and item purchases.  Right-click (or Left-click with keyboard’s Control key held down) on one of the two "Send...To Register" buttons to access this feature.  This is useful if the customer wants to know the current charges but is not ready to check out.

2.        New in Version 5.2.0: Light Control Setup has a new option that allows user-supplied codes to be used to turn on/off lights.  This can be useful if your light control hardware has programmable settings.

3.        Version 5.2.1 is a maintenance release.

4.        New in Version 5.2.2: Some password screens are now compatible with the fingerprint reader from Microsoft.

5.        New in Version 5.2.3: Data access speed over the network is improved for the Network Edition.

6.        New in Version 5.2.3: Credit card receipts now include cardholder’s names.

7.        Version 5.2.4 is a maintenance release.

8.        New in Version 5.2.5: In Register, a new Split feature can be used when two customers are paying for the same receipt or when a customer is paying with multiple types of payments (e.g., cash + credit).  Press the Options button to access this feature.

9.        New in Version 5.2.6: Several improvements on integrated credit card features.

10.     Version 5.2.7 is a maintenance release.

11.     New in Version 5.2.8: Extra information in Recent Receipt window and receipt printout for integrated credit card features.

12.     Version 5.2.9 is a maintenance release.


PHM 5.3 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.3.0: Register speed is improved when large numbers of items are sent to it.

2.        New in Version 5.3.0: Improved Timer operations when hard disk or network becomes busy.

3.        New in Version 5.3.0: Improved backup features.  If you use the fail-safe backup feature, both Host and Terminal need to be configured to turn on this feature.

4.        New in Version 5.3.0: In Waiting List window, user can choose whether the Waiting List will come up automatically when a table becomes free.

5.        New in Version 5.3.0: Tip Confirmation will be shown when the user enters a tip but then presses the Cancel button.

6.        New in Version 5.3.0: Number of Tabs shown in the Send to SuperTab window can be configured.  Log in as a master user and press the M button in the upper right corner of the Send to SuperTab window to do this.

7.        New in Version 5.3.0: Color changes in the Send to SuperTab window.

8.        New in Version 5.3.0: A new Debit Cash Back button is added if you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature.  In the processing window, press the Options button and then the Debit Cash Back Setup button for more options.

9.        New in Version 5.3.0: In the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing window, clicking on the text description on the left side of an entry box will bring up an on-screen keypad.  This is useful if you use a touch screen monitor.

10.     New in Version 5.3.0: In the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing window, you can choose to print a receipt when a pre-authorized transaction is forced.  Press the Options button to do this.

11.     New in Version 5.3.0: In the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing window, you can choose to have the Approval window closed automatically.  Press the Options button to do this.

12.     New in Version 5.3.0: For Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing, on-screen messages are added to remind the operator when there are pre-authorized transactions waiting to be forced.  When force transactions are needed, the More button in Register begins to flash.  The bottom status bar of the main program also begins to flash.  The operator needs to press the More button and open the Recent Receipts window to force the pre-authorized transactions the same day as soon as possible.  If a pre-authorized transaction expires and cannot be forced, the operator can press the small red C button in the Recent Receipts window to delete it.

13.     New in Version 5.3.1: If you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature, the positions of some buttons in Register window are adjusted.

14.     Version 5.3.2 is a maintenance release.

15.     New in Version 5.3.3: Only master users are allowed to delete expired pre-authorized transactions.

16.     New in Version 5.3.3: User is informed when two networked stations both select and attempt to add items to the same empty Tab.

17.     Version 5.3.4 is a maintenance release.

18.     New in Version 5.3.5: In the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing window, you can choose to disable the debit card feature.  Press the Options button to do this.

19.     New in Version 5.3.5: For pre-authorized transactions in Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing, a confirmation message is shown if the same card has been used for the same amount.

20.     New in Version 5.3.5: Debit Cash Back Limit can be set if you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature.  In the processing window, press the Options button and then the Debit Cash Back Setup button to do this.

21.     Version 5.3.6 is a maintenance release.

22.     Version 5.3.7 is a maintenance release.

23.     Version 5.3.8 is a maintenance release.


PHM 5.4 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.4.0: Two-line support is added for certain pole displays.  Use Pole Display Setup to configure this.  When two-line mode is enabled, one line is used to display name and price of the last rung-in item.  The other is used to display total amount.

2.        New in Version 5.4.0: After finalizing a sale, pole display will show payment change.

3.        New in Version 5.4.0: When Two-line mode is enabled, pole display will show item’s name and price when user selects an item in Register.

4.        New in Version 5.4.0: You can decide how long the result remains displayed on pole display after the transaction.

5.        New in Version 5.4.0: When an item is sent to Basket, pole display will show item’s name and price.  Use Pole Display Setup to enable this.

6.        New in Version 5.4.0: When an item is sent to TouchPad list, pole display will show item’s name and price.  Use Pole Display Setup to enable this.

7.        New in Version 5.4.0: By default, Lights of a table are turned off when all players at that table are paused.  You can change it to keep table lights on when players are paused.  To do this, log in as a master user and press the Options button in Table Timer.

8.        New in Version 5.4.0: If you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature, you can access the new Credit/Debit Card Processing Summary from the menu bar of Operator or Receipt Log.

9.        New in Version 5.4.0: In Log Viewer, you can click on the “day of week” field to bring up a calendar style day selector.

10.     Version 5.4.1 is a maintenance release.

11.     New in Version 5.4.2: In Table Timer’s Check Preview feature, the printed preview check now has a line to indicate that it’s not an actual receipt.

12.     New in Version 5.4.3: In the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing window, you can choose to use a card reader that reads only Track 2.  Press the Options button to do this.

13.     New in Version 5.4.3: You can decide whether the cash drawer is opened after or before the receipt is printed.  Use the Cash Drawer Setup to select this option.

14.     Version 5.4.4 is a maintenance release.

15.     New in Version 5.4.5: Password verification can be added to the Transfer feature in SuperTab.  To enable this, log in as a master user and press the Options button in TouchPad.

16.     New in Version 5.4.6: In Cash Drawer Calculator, you can use keyboard’s Enter and Up/Down Arrow keys to navigate the entry fields.

17.     Version 5.4.7 is a maintenance release.

18.     New in Version 5.4.8: Right-clicking on the Basket button in Shop Sale or Deli/Bar Sale window will bring up the Basket window.  You can also use Left-Click with the Control key held down for the same effect.

19.     New in Version 5.4.8: When Table Timer is enlarged via the Options button, certain buttons in it are also made larger.

20.     New in Version 5.4.8: Buttons in Waiting List are made larger.

21.     New in Version 5.4.8: Voiding actions from Basket and TouchPad are now recorded in Operator Log.

22.     New in Version 5.4.8: All voiding actions (from Register, Timer, Basket, SuperTab and TouchPad) will be recorded with more information in Operator Log now.


PHM 5.5 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.5.0: The Options buttons in Table Layout, Table Timer, Register and TouchPad can be disabled now.  From Operator Password Setup, press the More button to do this.

2.        New in Version 5.5.0: When the customer is a member, the Details window (via the Details button in Table Timer) displays mender ID and category on the right hand side of the window (previously only on title bar).

3.        New in Version 5.5.0: If you enable the “Enter Standby Mode…” option (via Options button in TouchPad), the program will automatically switch back to TouchPad after the next operator logs in.

4.        New in Version 5.5.1: If you have the Network Edition, a “Browse and select folder” button is added to the Network Setup window.

5.        New in Version 5.5.1: If you have the Network Edition, editing in Deli/Bar Sale, Shop Sale and Customer/Member List Windows is now allowed when the user logs in as a master user.

6.        New in Version 5.5.2: You can now adjust left margin of receipt printout from Receipt Printer Setup.  This setting doesn’t affect left margins for headers and footers (You can add space characters in header/footer settings for the same effect).

7.        New in Version 5.5.2: In Edit CrossLink window, a Get button is provided to obtain Codes from a list.

8.        New in Version 5.5.2: In Report’s Define Categories and Codes window, buttons are provided to obtain Categories and Codes from a list.

9.        New in Version 5.5.2: In Inventory Restocking window, a Get button is provided to obtain Codes from a list.

10.     New in Version 5.5.3: Several font and interface adjustments.

11.     New in Version 5.5.4: In Table Timer, a new option is added to bring up the keypad (for easier touch screen name entry) automatically if the user doesn’t enter the customer’s name in the name field. .  From Table Timer, press the Options button and check the “Bring up Keypad…” option to enable this.

12.     New in Version 5.5.4: A button is added to ‘Send To Tab” window for easier touch screen name entry.

13.     Version 5.5.5 is a maintenance release.

14.     New in Version 5.5.6: All voiding actions (from Register, Timer, Basket, SuperTab and TouchPad) will be recorded with more information in Operator Log.

15.     New in Version 5.5.6: Support for another type of light controller, the CM17A FireCracker model, is added.

16.     New in Version 5.5.6: When the customer’s name is edited in the name field of SuperTab’s Special Function window, the Change Name button doesn’t need to be pressed.  The name will be automatically changed when the Special Function window is closed.

17.     New in Version 5.5.7: Color and font changes in various places.

18.     New in Version 5.5.8: Calculator is now larger and easier to use with a touch screen monitor.

19.     New in Version 5.5.8: A Register button is added to Calculator.  It can be used to send the displayed or calculated value to the payment field in Register window.

20.     New in Version 5.5.9: Changing tax in Tax Selector can be disabled in TouchPad.  Press the Options button to in TouchPad to do this.  This is useful if you don’t want the user to accidentally change the tax rate.  For more options about tax rate, please read the info about Tax Script in this manual.


PHM 5.6 has these new features:

1.        New in Version 5.6.0: Color and font changes in various places.

2.        New in Version 5.6.1: A new Wait List button is available in the Send to SuperTab window when you send items to an empty tab in SuperTab.  This allows you to move a customer’s name from the waiting list to a new tab.

3.        New in Version 5.6.1: The M button in the Send to SuperTab window is no longer visible unless you log in as a master user.

4.        New in Version 5.6.2: A new option is added in Light Switches feature to disable individual table selection.

5.        New in Version 5.6.2: A new printing option for receipt itemization is added if you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature.  In the processing window, press the Options button to set up this.

6.        Version 5.6.3 is a maintenance release.

7.        New in Version 5.6.4: Cash Drawer Calculator can also be accessed as Shift Summary from the Menu Bar under Report.

8.        Version 5.6.5 is a maintenance release.

9.        New in Version 5.6.6: Find Customer feature is enhanced.

10.     New in Version 5.6.6: If you have the Integrated Credit/Debit Card Processing feature, you can access the new Export Credit/Debit Card Processing Summary from the menu bar of Operator or Receipt Log.  This feature can combine multiple days of credit card sales records into one report.

11.     Version 5.6.7 is a maintenance release.